The Demopolis Citizens Public Safety Academy
Demopolis Citizens Public Safety Academy is accepting applications for the Spring Session.
The Demopolis Citizens Public Safety Academy will provide community members with an inside look at local public safety (Police & Fire). During the Academy, students will be introduced to our community based police & fire service. Training topics include Police Ethics, Internal Affairs, Drug Enforcement, Traffic Laws, Criminal Investigations, Firearm Safety, Hazmat Control, CPR, Fire Prevention & Safety, E-911 Communications and much more.
The twelve-(12)week academy is designed to give the citizens an overview of our department’s policies and procedures. The curriculum and teaching methods are similar to the traditional police academy, but the weekly sessions are not designed to make the participant a police officer or fire fighter.
Police & Fire supervisors, veteran officers teach the academy classes. Participants will have the opportunity to meet with the Fire Chief ,the Chief of Police and staff members. They are encouraged to ask questions and to express their concerns to police & fire department employees. The Demopolis Public Safety Departments hopes there will be a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement’s & fire service role in the community through the education provided by the Citizen Public Safety Academy.
Academy Schedule
The Demopolis Public Safety Departments (Police & Fire) offers two sessions per year of the Citizen Public Safety Academy. The length of each academy is twelve weeks. Classes will meet on a (1) weekday evening from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Demopolis Police Department Training Center. Upon completion of the program, graduates will attend a graduation ceremony and receive a certificate of completion.
Participant Requirements
Potential candidates for the Citizen Public Safety Academy must meet the following criteria:
- Minimum of 21 years old
- Live or Work within the jurisdiction of the City of Demopolis
- No prior felony convictions
- No assault, domestic violence, or weapons convictions
- No misdemeanor arrests within five years of application
- Final selection will be made by the Chief of Police, who may waive any of the requirements on a case by case basis.
The Demopolis Citizen Public Safety Academy Alumni Association
Graduates of the Citizens Public Safety Academy will be invited to join the Academy Alumni Association to continue their involvement with the Demopolis Police & Fire Departments. Alumni members will receive additional training and will be called on to assist the police & fire departments during special events or emergencies. Academy Alumni may be asked to assist with traffic control, missing persons searches, crime detection or similar activities.
For more information, please call the Demopolis Police Department Training Division @ (334)289-3073 or the Demopolis Fire Department @ 334-289-1212