Below 100 Course
Law enforcement officers and leaders share a common ideology, the belief that there is no higher calling than that of those who put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect others—the calling of a peace officer. All officers also understand and appreciate the dangers inherent to this noble profession.
It’s been more than 65 years since the annual number of line-of-duty police deaths was fewer than 100. Law Officer’s Below 100 initiative will change that by concentrating on areas that can most effectively save officers’ lives. An awareness campaign, combined with a training program, Below 100 will provide a commonsense solution to attending officers and assist in driving down a number that has remained too high for too long.
This one day course, instructed by Tommy Loftis L.E.C with the United States Attorney’s office , will teach officers to identify the five key tenets by which we can improve officer safety. He will teach officers areas where we can make a difference in our survival. Below 100 isn’t about statistics. It’s about each and every officer, trainer and supervisor taking individual and collective responsibility for the decisions and actions that contribute to their safety.
You must be a certified APOSTC police officer, active duty military personnel in order to attend this training. Upon completion of this course you will receive 4 accredited (CEU) hours and the cost is free.
For directions or hotel information, contact Sgt. Richard Bryant (334) 289-3073.
Instructor: U.S. Attorney’s Office Law Enforcement Coordinator Tommy Loftis
Time: 08:00AM to 12:00PM CST
Cost: $0.00 per student
What to Bring:
- Comfortable Attire
- Pencil and Paper
**Please check our website or by Facebook @Demopolis Police Department for further registration information. Complete and submit all information prior to the Courtroom Survival Course Date or send fax to (334-217-0077) **.
Date: April 14, 2016 Class begins at 8:00am.
Location: Demopolis Police Training Center @ Demopolis Police Department, 301 East Washington Street Demopolis, AL 36732
To register: Submit class request to any of the above links prior to April 14, 2016 or complete and submit the form below.